Saturday, November 18, 2017

Thanksgiving Adventure Part II - The Best Laid Plans

Day II

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry!

Yes, this could be our day! Just a friendly reminder that your plans may not always go as you would hope.

So we survived the flat...Thank you again, Preston! Today could best be described as an "Oh No what next!" kind of day!

Jenny and I enjoyed a great morning drive and then Dan took over.  He quickly realized that there was something not quite right...the temperature gauge would change when going downhill. Nope, that is not right.

So into a rest area, he pulls only to discover that all of the coolant is leaking out....

 Thank goodness Dan is a fixer.  He crawls up under there to investigate....

And what he discovers is that one small-cap thing has a crack...what...oh no....

He is a genius...he gets some of his wire/electrical shrink magic stuff...heats it...and "ta-da" fixed!

So we use our water reserves...fill it up and head out to find the nearest Wally World to buy some coolant and replace the water....

On the way there...I am adjusting in the passenger seat and hit the front side panel just right and....Ouch....

Puncture and slice my toe...ouch ouch ouch!  We use the first-aid supplies and clean it up!

So toe patched....coolant patched...time to move....Google Maps says 8 hours and 56 minutes left...nope it changes...8 hours and 59 minutes...nope another change 9 hours and some odd minutes....what his happening?

45 minutes later (while I was napping) we find the lane on the highway...what one lane...NOOOOOO!...45 minutes of one lane 5-10mph traffic....

In the words of a famous forgetful fish..."Just keep swimming..."

Day II...6:51...still driving somewhere in Georgia.....

Be safe out there and enjoy the view!

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